
Saturday, July 27, 2019

#1 - the effectiveness of graphic organizers #2 -Learning vocabulary Article

#1 - the effectiveness of graphic organizers #2 -Learning vocabulary through reading - Article Example There were earlier studies in the area, though limited in scope, which have brought out the positive aspects of graphic organizers. The reviewed study aims to provide additional knowledge in the recently implemented systems where remedial students and students with learning disabilities are mainstreamed, and it could ostensibly lead to significant research in the field. The review of literature is carried out promptly, mentioning studies in the field by Bergerud, Lovitt, and Horton, Darch and Carnine, Sinatra et.al., Scruggs et.al., Mastropieri et. al., and so on. The review goes in detail to the significance of their studies and critically evaluates them, establishing the necessity of the present study. It also establishes a theoretical framework, holds scope to make use of the effectiveness of graphic organizers for students with learning handicap to the relatively new aspect of mainstream instruction. The authors succeed in relating previous research to their work. The study has three research questions which are hypothesized in affirmative answers. The questions are: 1. are the graphic organizers more effective than self-study condition for the three classifications mentioned? 2. do graphic organizers produce consistent effects in middle school and high school across a variety of content area classes? and 3. can teachers successfully implement graphic organizers with heterogeneous groups through teacher-directed and student-directed procedures? The hypothesis is consistent with theory and known facts. It is explained as testable, and promised to provide expected results. The methodology is explained with sufficient clarity so as to allow future researchers to replicate it for their purposes. The population used is selected from nine whole classes of three each from middle school science, middle school social studies and high school social studies. From each subject area, two classes are randomly selected to serve as experimental groups and

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